This Week's Recommendations
What is my spiritual gift? Maybe you’re asking the wrong question: Jonathan Threlfall helps us refocus the question, “The New Testament’s teaching on spiritual gifts focuses not on self-discovery but on loving service. In fact, the anxiety about discovering “my” spiritual gift will probably fade completely when you focus on what you can do to build up the body of Christ.”
Three things my autistic daughter taught me about evangelism: Vicki Bentley begins, “I watched with amazement as my nine-year-old daughter mingled with the eclectic group of visitors at our church’s community outreach event. Although her neurodivergent communication skills can often present challenges in social situations, this certainly wasn’t the case here. Excitedly running up and talking to people and their pets with an exuberant, uninhibited enthusiasm, she expertly broke down social barriers, made people feel welcome, and demonstrated God’s love to a hurting community—simply by being herself.”
The real reason the unchurched do not attend (and what your church can do about it): Sam Rainer explains that while indifference is the main issue, the remedy is simple, “What causes someone to start attending church? The answer to indifference is intentionality. The unchurched start attending to grow spiritually and because someone invited them. It’s the combination of spiritual and personal connections.”
The glory we desire vs. the glory he means for us: Abigail Dodds invites us to consider the glory God has called us to, “Can we fathom a glory prepared for us in which, upon fixing our minds on it, we do not turn into proud devils? I pray we can, for the Lord calls us to do it.”
Does God hate the sin but love the sinner? Helpful answer by Andrew Walker.
Photo by John Bussell on Unsplash