This Week's Recommendations
Young women are leaving church in unprecedented numbers: Daniel Cox and Kelsey Eyre Hammond report, “For as long as we’ve conducted polls on religion, men have consistently demonstrated lower levels of religious engagement. But something has changed. A new survey reveals that the pattern has now reversed.”
Advice for the anxious generation: Jonathan Haidt offers loads of wisdom to parents in his new book The Anxious Generation. “As for your own interactions with your child, they don't have to be "optimized." You don't have to make every second special or educational.”
Everyone has their own facts now: Patrick Miller says, “The problem is that you can correct ignorance. “But what shall we do,” asks Postman, “if we take ignorance to be knowledge?””
The weighted vest of pastoral ministry: I resonated with Erik Raymond’s words, “This is what pastoral ministry is like. It’s like living with a weighted vest on. All the time. And every now and then, usually on Sundays, someone slips an extra weight in there.”
Mapped: the income needed to live comfortably in every US state: I’m actually surprised there isn’t more disparity, with West Virginia and Arkansas coming in at $79,000 and Massachusetts coming in the highest at $116,000.
Photo by Agence Olloweb on Unsplash