The Bee Hive

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This Week's Recommendations

  1. All together now: Morgan Housel begins, “The Brooklyn Bridge was the largest structure in the western hemisphere when it opened in 1883. It was almost twice as long as any suspension bridge built before it. People reasonably asked: Is it stable? Will it collapse?”

  2. Four privileges we enjoy as a friend of God: Mike McKinley explains, “we don’t have to come nervously and timidly into God’s presence (Heb. 4:16). We can have a bold and comfortable relationship with God–the VIP who puts all others to shame, because he loves us and has made us his friends and family.”

  3. No further: Cassie Watson with encouragement for weary souls, “The beams of the Son are about to spill over too. We’re in the dawn, awaiting the fullness of the new day. God is orchestrating human history, watching as each day unfolds with all its terror and toil and laughter and love. At just the right moment, he will say, “No further.” He’ll send Jesus back to end this world as we know it and bring in the new creation, where there’ll no longer be “mourning, nor crying, nor pain” (Rev. 21:4).”

  4. Ten diagnostic questions for the potential ideologue: Ken Barbic begins with this question, “Do you present opposing viewpoints in ways that your opponent would agree with?”

  5. Dennis Prager’s troubling defense of pornography: Carl Trueman says, “Many aspects of Prager’s comment are disturbing, not least his failure to address the dark nature of the pornography industry itself. But it is also instructive, because it exposes the superficiality of some of what passes for conservative thought today.”

Photo by Alexander Rotker on Unsplash