Almost a quarter of the world feels lonely: Ellyn Maese shares, “Global results indicate that the lowest rates of feeling lonely are reported among older adults (aged 65 and older), with 17% feeling very or fairly lonely, while the highest rates of feeling lonely are reported among young adults (aged 19 to 29), with 27% feeling very or fairly lonely.”
Q&A about assisted reproductive suicide: Aaron and Jennifer Wilson tackle some difficult issues here, “In the United States alone, there is an estimated surplus of 1 to 1.3 million human embryos—many of whom are available to be adopted.”
Footsteps left: Andrea Sanborn, “I stood on those same smooth rocks, overcome with gratitude for the footsteps those three men left behind them that led me to this place. And I wondered: what footsteps am I leaving for those who come after?”
How do you see people? Sylvia Schroeder reflects, “How grateful I am that God sees past all the labels which could be attached to my being, and gazes deep within to where a forgiven grandma finds a striking resemblance in a simple drawing.”
Can you guess the artwork? Fun little exercise by Google Arts.
Photo by Eric TERRADE on Unsplash