
Words of Wow

Words of Wow

Any writer knows that sending something you wrote into the world makes you feel pretty naked. “Did anyone find it helpful?” “How many typos did I overlook?” “Did I glorify God?”

For some reason publishing something in book form only heightened that feeling for me. Last week Benjamin Vrbicek and I released Blogging for God’s Glory in a Clickbait World. The response has been overwhelming. I am so grateful that the book has been a source of encouragement and help to fellow writers.

Here is how some readers have responded:

“I’ve longed for voices like Benjamin and John’s, filled with seasoned wisdom and an unwavering resolve to elevate the glory of God over all other aims. Forged out of the hard hours of reading carefully, working the keyboards, and humbly connecting with other writers, this book proves that Benjamin and John are fast becoming two voices to heed in whatever lies ahead.”

++Chris Thomas,

“As a blogger who has been writing for over five years now, I found tips I hadn’t known about and was bolstered in my purpose as a writer.”

++Brianna Lambert,

“John and Benjamin are reliable guides to how you can still blog to the glory of God.”

++Collin Hansen,

“Immensely practical and engaging, this book is for bloggers of every age and stage.”
++Glenna Marshall,

“With this book Benjamin Vrbicek and John Beeson create a needed community.”
++Jen Oshman,