The Bee Hive

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This Week's Recommendations

1.       Screwtape’s Practical Advice for Dealing with COVID-19: How would a devil love to use this season? Let’s start here: “What you should do is imagine all the bad things that could happen. Picture each awful possibility as you lie awake at 3 a.m., letting image after image flood your mind. Think about how you would bear it if you were sick from the coronavirus, or if COVID-19 struck someone you loved.”

2.       6 Myths About Screen Time: Theresa Gonzalez begins with the myth: "My kid is addicted to devices." She responds, "A survey from Common Sense Media found that 47 percent of parents worry that their child is addicted to their mobile device. 'It affects, if you talk about true addiction, somewhere between five and eight percent of children and young adults,'"

3.       Things That Will Naturally Happen to Your Team This Week: Eric Geiger says, "Just as a person does not drift towards health, organizations and ministries don’t naturally drift towards greater effectiveness." Geiger offers three helpful ways we can combat this tendency.

4.       6 Members Who Build Up the Church: Chopo Mwanza concludes, "A church with patient members is a church where members confront one another, encourage one another, confess sin to one another, and forgive each other."

5.       Five Challenges Pastors Face in a Social Media Age Carey Niewhof explains how pastors can navigate the difficult age of social media.

6.       How the Coronavirus Economic Stimulus Bill Helps Donors and Churches: Helpful article from Aaron Earls includes this encouraging information, “The relief plan creates a new tax deduction for charitable donations up to $300 annually for those who do not itemize their taxes. For those who do itemize, the bill also temporarily suspends limits for tax deductions for individuals.

7.       The Big Conversation: Big Conversations, indeed. This is a really interesting and helpful project. On it they explore everything from the reliability of the gospels to science, faith, and God.

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash