This Week's Recommendations

  1. Monk or missionary? These are the only options nowIan Harbor explains how our relationship toward social media boils down to one of these two radical options. He explains, “If you are not in control of your social media, social media will be in control of you. And your life will be worse off for it. Why would you subject yourself to a worse life, poor mental health, weak relationships, and a number of other damaging factors just to watch a few mildly funny videos? Count the cost.”

  2. The hardest part of overcoming addictionBrad Hambrick’s post is as simple as it is important. So, before you click: what do you think the hardest part is?

  3. Your pain has an end dateVaneetha Rendall Risner says, “Yet even when our suffering feels endless, God knows exactly how long it will really last. It has an end date, an exact day and time predetermined by God. My pain will not last forever; it is not random or indeterminate. God has fixed all the details of this trial and will give me everything I need to endure it.”

  4. See who is older and younger than youthis is a fun little tool. For instance, for me, at age 45, 38% of men are older than me.

  5. Quality Christian musicBrett McCracken with a helpful introduction to 15 artists to watch. 

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash