1 Timothy 2:1-2

Top Five Reasons Why Christians Should Vote

Top Five Reasons Why Christians Should Vote



“There’s nothing smart about you.”

“The worst president we’ve ever had.”


That’s a smattering of the insults the presidential candidates lobbed at one another a week ago. My oh my. What a year.

According to the Census Bureau, 67% of eligible voters have registered to vote. 53% of eligible voters voted in the 2018 election.[i] Given the challenging choices we have to make, I understand why 47% of eligible voters would sit out elections. There is no shortage of decisions that leave us scratching our heads as we choose between bad and worse. Furthermore, I would be the first to caution us that our hope is not in government or any political ideology, but in Christ the King.

Despite these cautions, Christians ought to fulfill our civic obligation and vote

Would you Join Me in Praying for Our Country?

Would you Join Me in Praying for Our Country?

As the shocking events of 2020 unfolded, we glued ourselves to our screens. News ratings spiked like they hadn’t in decades. With a charged political season now upon us, those ratings continue to charge ahead. The only thing these partisan outlets seem to agree on is that we all ought to be outraged.

As Christians, we certainly ought to care about our country. We are called to be good citizens, and we ought to participate in the democratic process (next week I’ll share why we all should vote). But before we even get there, our first response should be to pray.

In 1 Timothy 2:1-2, Paul asks us to pray for those in power, “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.

Whatever your political preferences are, would you commit to joining in prayer for our country?