
This Week's Recommendations

This Week's Recommendations
  1. Long Hours and Laziness: "Sometimes we work long hours because we're lazy." Insightful reflection by the always good Andrew Wilson.
  2. The Future of Christian Healthcare Sharing: Healthcare prices continue to dramatically outpace inflation. In its wake, there has been a growing alternative of health care sharing (our family is part of Medishare). 
  3. How to Discover Your Calling and Hope in the Workplace "My work station is my worship station." Ken Costa, investment banker, and one of the founders of the enormously impactful organization, Alpha, talks with Carey Nieuwhof.
  4. Tucson drone video: A beautiful video that captures some of the beauty of Tucson.
  5. The Art of Neighboring by Jay Pathak: Everyone believes we should love our neighbor. But do we?

The Art of Neighboring by Jay Pathak

The Art of Neighboring by Jay Pathak

A book on how to be a good neighbor? Seriously? What next? A book on how to pour a bowl of cereal?

But we need it. As simple and intuitive Jesus's simple command: "love your neighbor as yourself" seems, there is a huge gap between us agreeing with it and us living it out. That has certainly been the case for us. Of the eight places my wife and I have lived in our sixteen years of marriage, four of those locations we were flat out bad neighbors -- completely absent, and only two of those locations I can say we've been good neighbors.