
This Week's Recommendations

This Week's Recommendations

1. Help! I Don’t Like the Music at My Church: Matt Merker deals with a struggle of many. He asks, “How do you feel about the music at your church? Are you ever disappointed by it? Why?” I appreciate this piece of advice, “Often we feel distaste at a style of music because we are less familiar with it. Take a music appreciation class. Ask friends for album recommendations. Try to understand why other people enjoy the music your church uses. It may not become your favorite genre, but you might be surprised to find that your tastes are more flexible than you once assumed.”

2. I Just Can’t: Excellent post on when we can’t, but Christ can. Susan Lafferty says, “So, today, when I hear myself saying, ‘I just can’t,’ it’s a signal for me to check. And ask. Am I piling a to-do list on my life without seeking Him first? Am I trying to do this all in my own strength? Am I willing to keep in step with the Spirit, learning from Him?”

3. A Typesetting God: Melissa Edgington with a “it just so happened” story of God’s abundant goodness.

4. When It’s Time to Leave A Church: I wrote a series on this topic a couple of years back that I’m thinking about refreshing because it’s a significant issue right now, in the meanwhile, HB Charles offers solid advice on how and when to leave a church. I appreciated this point, “Consider how your transfer will affect others. Christianity is not about you. It’s about Christ and others. If your heart is right, you will feel the weight of how your potential move will injure or influence others. If you can leave without affecting anyone, you were not a good member.”

5. Transient 3: 6 months of storm chasing in a jaw-dropping 3 minutes.

This Week's Recommendations

This Week's Recommendations

1. Those the World Overlooks, God Sees: Trevin Wax says, “What does this mean for the historian? The overwhelming majority of people in the world will never have their stories told. “Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?” goes the song from the musical Hamilton. For most people, the answer to who will tell their story is no one.”

2. 3 Ways Cancel Culture Can Strengthen the Church: Jacob Haywood offers encouragement. He reminds us that, “American Christians have become so used to religious freedom and the general acceptance of Christianity that many have been lulled into an amnesia of the required sufferings Christ says are expected of His followers.”

3. There’s Something About Your Faithfulness, Sister: Madelyn Canada with a lovely encouragement. “But there’s something about your faithfulness, sister, that fills me up. It’s an arrow pointing me to the One who is worth it all.”

4. Progressive Christianity: Even Shallower than the Evangelical Faith I Left: Excellent reflection of Ian Harbor’s spiritual journey. He shares, “I was an #exvangelical who left the faith of my youth for “progressive Christianity.” Then I returned. Here’s my #revangelical story.”

5. The Blink of an Eye: What happens in the universe in a blink of an eye? A lot.

This Week's Recommendations

This Week's Recommendations

1. Whataboutism is a Mark of Foolishness: Brett McCracken explains the problem of pointing the finger at the other side, “Ultimately, whataboutism is a convenient, lazy, and destructive rhetorical tactic that shrinks Christian faith to the narrow confines of tribalism’s partisan aims.”

2. An Open Letter to a Discouraged Saint: Mike Emlet begins, “I know you are discouraged and distressed this morning. The trials and temptations you’ve faced this past week have brought you low. Suffering clouds your vision. Sin’s hangover—guilt, shame, and doubt—still pounds in your soul.”

3. Let Limitations Do Their Work: This is some excellent writing and advice from my friend John Starke. He says, “My wife said to me one evening as we were talking about some limitations we were experiencing: “Let the limitations do their work.” Yes and maybe that ought to be an ordinary mantra. Limitations shape us into something deeper than what we would have planned for ourselves.”

4. A Lent Within a Lent: A double-dose of John Starke for you. He reflects on this timely by William Willimon as it relates to Lent, “We thought that our problem was our need for freedom, for liberation. No. Our problem is thirst.”

5. 10 Questions Churches Should Ask Their Generation Z Members: I love these questions and the spirit of discovery. Here are Greg Jao’s first two questions, “Where does Christianity, as lived and taught at our ministry, seem most disconnected or remote from your life? If your friends could identify someone currently alive as their “hero,” who would it be and why?”

6. Travel Photographer of the Year: You can spend five minutes on this site of five hours. There are so many amazing photos. I was wowed by Nicolas Raspiengeas and the special mentions in the nature, sealife, and wildlife category. What are some of your favorites?

This Week's Recommendations

This Week's Recommendations

1. The COVID Vaccine Has 666 Written All Over It: But That Doesn’t Matter: Matthew Halsted provides helpful clarification for the context of the Mark of the Beast. He begins with the question, “[I]sn’t there enough evidence that the vaccine is the “number” of the beast, including a bill currently before the House of Representatives (6666) and the very letters “C-O-R-O-N-A” themselves?”

2. Why is There Only One Way to Heaven? This is such a great article by Tim Challies. He begins, “It is an audacious claim of the Christian faith that there is only one way to heaven. “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” we believe. Not most, not some, but all. Since all of us have sinned, all of us are lost and in need of saving.”

3. The Teachable Will Lap the Gifted: Oh my are AW Workman’s words true! He shares, “The unassuming, the unpretentious, the ones who didn’t have to lead, but who eventually led anyway because of their steady faithfulness and consistency – these friends are the ones who quietly got started in ministry, have so far persevered, and are now harvesting righteousness (James 3:18).”

4. Grief Should Always Make Us Better: Tim Challies lost his son to unforeseen and unknown medical issues late last year. He’s had a number of powerful posts on the experience. If you like this one, you should read his other posts. Challies begins, “Death is the great interrupter. Death is the great interrupter because, far more often than not, it strikes when it’s least expected. When death comes it invariably interrupts plans, dreams, projects, goals.”

5. 11 Incredible Species of Insect in Flight: Most of these look fake. Remarkable!

This Week's Recommendations

This Week's Recommendations

1. The COVID Vaccine and Christian Unity: Keith Kauffman, an immunologist, helps navigate a tricky subject. He discusses the trials as well as the ethical concerns, among other issues. He says, “But from what has been publicly disclosed––and it is still a law in the United States that researchers must disclose whenever they use tissues from aborted babies––the production of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines do not use cell lines from aborted babies.”

2. How Christians Can Navigate Cultural Gender Confusion: Carl Trueman first explains the principles that undergird this movement and then explains how to navigate it. The third principle undergirding the movement “…rests upon the broad modern conviction that our selves—who we are—are essentially psychological. It is who we feel or think we are that is the real us.”

3. He Thinks the World is Round! AW Workman shares his experience visiting a remote tribe and trying to explain that the earth is spherical. He concludes, “The path toward truth often begins with a terrifying realization that our tribe has been woefully wrong about many, many things.”

4. No Meekness Without Might: David Mathis explains how Christ’s character ought to shape our own, “Those of us who love that he is gentle and lowly need not be afraid to rehearse that his wrath is horrific. To know the sovereign power and unmatched strength of Christ—and the sheer terror of those who realize they have opposed him—will both keep us from misunderstanding his gentleness and make his remarkable gentleness all the more impressive.”

5. Growing Red Bell Pepper from Seed Time Lapse: This is satisfying to watch.

This Week's Recommendations

This Week's Recommendations

1. They Don’t Know It, But Most Americans Are Unitarian Universalists: Jonathan Tjarks, who grew up as a Unitarian Universalist, is concerned for Americans, “Most Americans are Unitarian Universalists. They just don’t know it. Only 0.3 percent of Americans identify as members of the denomination, but its belief system has come to define our culture. The central message of the UU church is that you can believe anything you want—except that there are objectively right and wrong beliefs.

2. You Will Regret Giving In: Garrett Kell’s excellent post concludes, “You will not regret resisting sin. You will regret giving in. Choke temptation by taking refuge in Jesus and the means of grace he provides: pray to God, flee the scene, call a friend, and make a plan. As you begin to fight afresh, remember that what sin promises so much now will only steal your joy in God.”

3. Americans Finding Solace in Streaming, Not Scripture: Aaron Earls reports that while Americans’ engagement with the Bible had a bump in the early days of the pandemic, that interest has shrunk while Netflix only continues to grab more and more of our time.

4. Creating Defining Moments: My friend David Towne shares the story of how a lousy day at the doctor’s office turned into a moment of tearful gratitude of one of the nurses. I love this story.

5. The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards: Some of these are sure to make you smile.

This Week's Recommendations

This Week's Recommendations

1. All 22 Pixar Movies Ranked:This is pretty fun. This list is pretty close to mine. I would go 1) WallE; 2) Up; 3) Incredibles. What are your top 3 favorite Pixar movies?

2. Christians, Please be Meek During this Year's Elections: Jason Carter puts forward this helpful proposal for Christians this election year: "If meekness in general is subordinating our passions and rights in order to love another (think: the example of Christ), then I’d argue that meekness on social media during a time of extreme political divisiveness might be subordinating our own political passions and rights (at least on social media) in order to preserve the priority of our witness to Jesus Christ to our unbelieving friends."

3. 5 Leadership Lessons from Jethro: What can Moses's father-in-law teach us about leadership? I appreciate Paul Alexander's reflection on how easy it is to become the lid of our own leadership.

4. Japan's Successful Nationwide Lost-and-Found System: Healthy systems can bring about radical changes in behavior. In Tokyo, 80% of wallets are returned to their owners (compare that to New York City's 10% rate of return).

5. The 2020 Audubon Photography Awards: Check out the picture of the Northern Jacana by the youth winner. Wow.

This Week's Recommendations

This Week's Recommendations

1. The Day My Foster Son Leaned into Me: Russ Meek shares the moment his three-year-old foster son began to trust him. He shares, "Andrew won’t remember this moment, and God willing his body will forget the scarring on his heart. But for these past three years he has carried the trauma. Tense, unwilling to relax even for a moment, and constantly on high alert, he’s carried in his body the wounds of abandonment, of exposure to places and things no child should see, and of the absence of a person to help him navigate this world wrought with danger and the unknown."

2. 5 COVID-19 Problems that Have Gotten Worse for Pastors: Aaron Earls begins with this stat about disunity, “In April, 8% of pastors said they were facing disagreement and complaints within their congregation. By July, that number had jumped to 27%.” The rest of the stats are just as discouraging.

3. Pastor, Don't Imply That Church is Optional: Trevin Wax with wise counsel for pastors. He shares, "When I was a student in Romania, American evangelists would come and preach, and they’d sometimes say things like, “I’m calling you to trust in Jesus, not to become part of the church.” The translators would always change that last part."

4. 7 Lies the Church Believes About Singleness: One of the most thoughtful writers on this subject, Sam Allberry offers his wisdom on the subject. His third misconception is that "Singleness means no intimacy." He explains, "Our culture (and often the church) has so conflated sex and intimacy that we find it hard to conceive of any forms of intimacy that are not ultimately about sex."

5. Explore the Alps: Stop what you're doing and immerse yourself in three minutes of God's glory.

This Week's Recommendations

This Week's Recommendations

1. Should Christians Use Recreational Marijuana? Kevin VanHoozer offers wisdom to Christians in a nation with broadening availability to recreational marijuana. VanHoozer explains that we need to have an understanding of what marijuana does as well as a biblical understanding of recreation. He says, "'Recreation' originally referred to the process of spiritual refreshment: the act of restoring or reviving the soul. Today, it usually refers to things people do to relax or have fun. Recreation is an activity of leisure—leisure being “free” time. It can be solitary or communal. In either case, it is formative, either spiritually or socially."

2. It's True! Stress Makes Your Hair Grey: Sometimes old wive's tales are real… and I’m living proof of this one! Jennifer Walter reports, "Scientists knew losing these cells in hair follicles robs hair of its luster, but they had yet to pin down the mechanism responsible for triggering the depletion of melanocytes. Now, scientists finally have an answer: the fight-or-flight response."

3. Marriage Was Never Meant to Fill the Empty Spaces: An excellent and intimate reflection by Lauren Washer. She reminds us, "Marriage cannot fill the empty spaces but it helps point us to the God who emptied himself so we could be filled up with the knowledge of him. As we continuously seek to fill ourselves up with the knowledge of God, through his word and through prayer, he fills us with everything we need for life and godliness."

4. Respectable Sins of the Reformed World: Tim Challies offers an important critique of the sins that can go unchecked for Reformed Christians. He concludes his list with this doozy: “Impugning. To impugn is to dispute the truth, validity, or honesty of another person’s motives. And closely connected to disputing another person’s motives is suggesting that you know the truth behind them.”

5. Kangaroo Rats are Furry, Spring-Loaded Ninjas: As an Arizonan I particularly enjoyed these four-minutes. Our Creator has quite the imagination, don't you think?

This Week's Recommendations

This Week's Recommendations

1. The World as 100 Christians: Fascinating breakdown of what global Christianity looks like today. The researchers report that, "A typical Christian today is a non-white woman living in the global South, with lower-than-average levels of societal safety and proper health care. This represents a vastly different typical Christian than that of 100 years ago, who was likely a white, affluent European."

2. The Economics of All-You-Can-Eat Buffets: How do all-you-can-eat buffets make money? What happens when someone tries to trick the system? It’s particularly interesting to read this during COVID-19. I wonder if buffets will ever come back?

3. What if Tolkien Lived in Middle Earth Too? I’m re-reading The Lord of the Rings right now, so I particularly enjoyed this analogy of the Trinity.

4. The 100 Most Spoken Languages: Loads of fascinating information in this infographic.

5. The National Parks Illustrated Based on Their Worst Review: This is pretty funny. "There are bugs...and they will bite you on your face." Ha!