If I could change anything about the modern church: I won’t spoil Tim Challies’s recommendation, but it will likely surprise you.
How to make friends in college (or anywhere): Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra explains, “Between 2003 and 2023, in-person socializing among those aged 15 to 24 dropped by more than 35 percent, Thompson reported. Younger millennials and Gen Z are less likely than previous generations were to go out without their parents, go on dates, get their driver’s licenses, try alcohol, and work for pay.”
To those living in secret sin: Esther Liu begins, “From the title, you may assume I will tell you to bring your secret sin into the light, which is true. Yet, I know this invitation may sound trite and unappealing. If it were that easy, you would have done so already—but chances are it is more complicated for you.”
Myths and realities of the Revolutionary War: Here’s one from Isaac Makos, “The myth: Britain lost the Revolutionary War because it used the wrong tactics.”
Features of adulthood: A funny little infograph.
Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash