This Week's Recommendations

  1. Does Bach’s music prove the existence of God? Trevin Wax thinks so, “The inconsolable longing we feel when we encounter true beauty, when the soaring symphony swells toward a melody’s resolution, is the window to another world, whispering to us, singing to us, ‘There is something more.’”

  2. Lessons from a Job seasonTravis reflects, “Whether you have suffered more, suffered less, or your suffering is still to come, none of us lives a life free from the difficulties that are part of a world marred by sin and curse. Sometimes the troubles seem unexplainable, uncontrollable, and unending. Like Job, we may relentlessly call out to God, and, like Job, we may not receive quick relief or quick answers.”

  3. Living from approval, not for approvalDave Harvey reminds us, “The gospel brings us explosive news: our search for approval is over. In Christ we already have all the approval we need. His righteousness has been transferred to us! All the time and energy we once squandered trying to be liked or validated can now be redirected toward doing things for God’s glory.”

  4. How the marshmallow test can help you flee pornZach Carter says, “I’m convinced many Christians lose the fight against porn because we focus on the marshmallow in front of us instead of the promised glory that awaits us. We focus too much on the momentary sexual pleasure we’re losing when we resist temptation rather than on what we gain by obedience. But when we only focus on what we shouldn’t do, our eyes are closed to God’s goodness.”

  5. 10 non-cringy ‘faith-based’ moviesBrett McCracken is always a good source for media wisdom. I’ve only seen about half of these, but “A Hidden Life” is one of my favorites. 

Photo by Dolo Iglesias on Unsplash