Signet, wax, and fire: Chris Martin considers a powerful analogy, “If we simply hammer our hearts with the truth of God’s Word over and over, our hard hearts will either be imprinted with some shallow facsimile of Truth or be cracked by its overwhelming weight.”
The path away from pornography: Chris Hutchinson shares, “There is no “formula” for getting free from pornography: each person, and their situation, is unique. At the same time, just as sexual sin operates in certain patterns, so I’ve witnessed common patterns in the way the Lord breaks people free from its chains.”
Transgender meds for kids? 4 findings from new report: Rebecca McLaughlin explains, “The findings of this four-year review were written up in a 388-page report which is, as The Economist puts it, ‘damning of practices that were commonplace in England until recently and remain widespread in other countries, notably America.’”
Why daily bread is better: Caleb Davis reflects, “No one wants week-old bread. It tastes best when it’s hot out of the oven with a nice crunchy crust. In the same way, God gives us what’s best daily: the moment-by-moment opportunity to taste and see he is good.”
A sudden spring: Andrea Sanborn considers, “We feel the birth pangs now, the weeping and grief as evil bears down, doubles down, hungry to gain the ground we’ve ceded to wars and rumors of wars. Each lurch toward the abyss brings our rescue closer. Each day’s news sharpens our hunger for the new. Lift up your heads, he told us, because your redemption is drawing near.”
How Americans spend their days, by age group: Interesting to see how little time is taken up by religious and spiritual activities and how much is taken up by leisure.