Don’t Date that Guy: Melissa Edgington shares sage advice she offers her 17-year-old daughter. “If I could offer one piece of advice to women who are dating, it would be this: don’t go on even one date with a man you already know you shouldn’t marry. Every marriage begins with a first date. Feelings of flattery can quickly lead to feelings to infatuation which can quickly lead to feelings of love.”
Imagining Your “Well Done”: Reagan Rose reshapes advice from leaders about living a life directed toward what you want on your tombstone to living a life directed toward what you hope Jesus says to you. He says, “There’s one thing that always bothered me about the practice of writing your own eulogy. It emphasizes living a life motivated by what other people will say about you. When, instead, we should be living for an audience of One.”
How to Spot Political Manipulation and Give it No Quarter: Bruce Ashford offers some helpful tools to go along with this assessment, “In the political sphere, manipulation seems to be the soup du jour. One might even conclude that some political leaders have elevated the logical fallacy to the level of their own literary genre. Thus, it is important for us to be aware of the ways in which our hearts and minds can be “stolen” by political manipulation.”
As If God Ever Made an Atlantic Wide Enough: Tim Challies quotes Theodore Cuyler, who says, “There are some of us who have known what it is to drink bitter draughts of affliction, and to have the four corners of our house smitten by a terrible sorrow. At such times, how hollow and worthless were many of the stereotyped prescriptions for comfort!”
Earthrise, Then and Now: Beautiful footage of the earth rising and setting on the moon.
This Week's Recommendations
Want a Happy Relationship? Go to Church Together: New research by the Institute of Family Studies. Aaron Earls reports, “More than 3 in 4 regular church-attending couples (78 percent) say they are “very happy” or “extremely happy” in their relationship.”
12 Ways to Help a Pastor Stay in Ministry: I appreciated this article from Scott McConnell, which highlights ways both pastors and congregants can keep pastors in ministry. For instance, speaking to the need for a pastor to be humble, McConnell notes that, “In [a] study of pastors, a one unit increase in level of agreement (from somewhat agree to strongly agree, for instance) that “the church would not have achieved the progress it has without me” corresponds to being over three times less likely to remain in pastorate.”
Stop Eating Spiritual Candy: Amy Gannett warns, “Christians frequently exchange the nourishing truths of God’s Word for “sweeter” substitutes. Particularly when life wears us thin, we can lean on half-truths about our own resilience rather than on reminders of God’s sovereignty and sufficiency.”
Death Comes in Slow Drips: Chrys Jones speaks of the danger of allowing sin to drip into our lives, “Then it happened. He fell “in love with this present world” and deserted Paul (2 Tim. 4:10). While there is some debate as to whether Demas was an apostate or not, the fact remains: Demas chose sin instead of supporting Paul in the work of the ministry. Falling in love doesn’t happen in an instant. Demas chose to dwell on the world day by day, drip by drip, until he made the decision to walk away.”
What Animals Kill the Most Humans Each Year? I found this article from World Atlas interesting. I’ll give you a preview: #4 at 25,000 deaths is the dog, #5 at 10,000 deaths is the Tsetse fly.
This Week’s Recommendations
Sin is Death? Pierce Taylor Hibbes begins his profound post on how we can say that sin is death this way, ““Sin is death” sounds like something you’d hear echoing from a bullhorn in a city that embraces noise as part of its culture.”
What Lewis Had Wrong About Hell: Paul Dirks confronts CS Lewis’s notion that the gates of hell are locked from the inside. He explains that, “In other words, man’s will to populate hell thwarts God’s desire that they should be in heaven. In Lewis’ view, God—in a particular but important sense—is eternally defeated.”
Why You Must Leverage Your Self-Despair: Dane Ortlund doesn’t want us to waste our discouragement. He says, “Fallen human beings enter into joy only through the door of despair. Fullness can be had only through emptiness.”
Is there Such a Thing as Righteous Anger? Maybe not. Marli begins, “As a teenager, I took a hunter safety course at a Christian retreat center that also hosts hunting groups. On the wall by one of the main doors, there was a spattering of holes, scars from a shotgun accident. Thankfully it only injured the wall, and turned into a convenient object lesson for gun safety. A sign next to the hole reads, “There’s no such thing as an empty gun.”
Ocean Depth Comparison: Oh, how little we know!
This Week’s Recommendations
Your Spouse Doesn’t Have to Be Your Best Friend: Shane Morris thinks that friendship in marriage is important, but that we can miss out on other friendships God has for us. He begins, “Perhaps you’ve noticed the popular recasting of marriage as primarily a very close friendship. Young couples (frequently when posting photos of each other on social media) will say, ‘I married my best friend.’”
Five Things to Say to Help a Depressed Christian: Simple, but important advice from Eliza Huie. She begins with this, “God cares about your suffering. Your pain matters. God isn’t looking down hoping you get it together soon. He loves you. He grieves with you. And he cares that you are hurting.”
Learning from the Hours: TM Suffield explains the theological significance of how the days are explained in Genesis 1, “’And there was evening and there was morning, the first day’ and each day thereafter. Evening, then morning. That’s backwards.”
Giving in Retirement: What should giving look like in retirement? CJ Cagle explains. One question he asks is, “Which is a greater priority: spending and giving or leaving an inheritance? The biggest challenge with this question is that the Bible seems to encourage all these things.”
The Universe on a Human Scale: I could watch videos like this all day long. How great is our Creator?
This Week’s Recommendations
When Jesus Acted Out a Parable to Explain the Gospel: Sinclair Ferguson explains how significant Jesus’ act in the Upper Room was. His chart that lines up the passage with Paul’s interpretation in Philippians in pretty cool. Ferguson says, “Clearly something deeper is going on here than Jesus merely removing dust and dirt. This is a prophetic action—like those performed by Jeremiah and Ezekiel. He is acting out a parable of the gospel, showing them by means of a dramatic sign both who He is and what He has come to do.”
Why Do People Look So Serious in Old Photos? The traditional explanations have been that it is because of the exposure time or poor teeth. Merrill Fabry argues it is a different, cultural reason.
The Cross and Criticism: Alfred Poirier reflects on the danger of pride and yes men in our lives. He says, “In response to my sin, the cross has criticized and judged me more intensely, deeply, pervasively, and truly than anyone else ever could. This knowledge permits us to say to all other criticism of us: ‘This is just a fraction of it.’” And later, “In other words, no one can criticize me more than the cross has. And the most devastating criticism turns out to be the finest mercy.”
The Comfort of Samson: Keith Samson encourages us, “In his infinite wisdom, and in a way that defies human intellect, the Lord sees fit to redeem wretches like you and me. He is pleased to take us from darkness and bring us into the kingdom of his beloved Son. The Omnipotent One overcomes our sinfulness, both past and ongoing odiousness, and uses us for his purposes.”
The 2021 Audobon Photography Awards: It delighted me to see the southwest’s Roadrunner take home top prize. The final shot, with the Eastern Chipmunk looking up at the Red-tailed Hawk while in his grasp is one I won’t quickly forget.
This Week’s Recommendations
The Depressing End of “Your Truth” Brent McCracken begins, “In her lifetime-achievement-award acceptance speech at the 2018 Golden Globes, Oprah Winfrey said, ‘What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have.’ Your truth. Those two words are so entrenched in our lexicon today that we hardly recognize them for the incoherent nightmare that they are.”
Will I Suffer More If I Serve Jesus? John Piper takes on this challenging question: “Why will God allow us to suffer as Christians if that suffering will harm our faith?” In response, he asks this question, “What if, instead of seeing Christian suffering as something added to our lives because we become Christians, we see our suffering as something that up till now was certain and deserved, but now, by the grace of God, has become suffering that is made to serve our salvation?”
Exploring the Problem of Evil: Rhys Laverty explores the classical conception of the problem of evil: how can there be a God who is perfectly good and all-powerful when evil exists? Laverty explains that our problem is that we are still trying to conceptualize the problem from a human perspective. He says, “The LORD doesn’t simply say “look how much bigger I am!” but “look at how well I run the universe”. This is part of what lies behind the great promise that the Lord works all things together for the good of those who love him (Rom. 8:28).”
The Touch: Tim Challies tells us about the power of the touch of Jesus, “Jesus left no one worse than he had found them. None left his presence without some blessing, some challenge, some enablement or encouragement to live for the good of others and the glory of God. And what a difference it would make in this world if we determined to do the same…”
Aerial Sheep Herding: Mesmerizing. I love watching the behavior of the sheep that break away from the flock.
This Week’s Recommendations
Why Brutal Honesty Isn’t Honest at All: Justin Hale with an important response to us when we might be tempted to excuse our harsh responses to others, “Being more honest is about being more clear, more specific, more sincere, and more authentic. So, you DON’T have to raise your voice to increase your honesty. You DO need to be more effective at stating the observable facts of the situation and your honest perspective about those facts.”
Why Does Hell Exist? James Williams offers some simple analogies to help get our minds around this challenging doctrine. He concludes, “If there were no hell, there would be no need for salvation. If sin didn’t separate us from a holy God, then we wouldn’t need the gospel. The testimony of Scripture undeniably points us to such realities. We lack the ability to atone for ourselves, thus our need for an external deliverance. But, thanks be to God us gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!”
You Will Fail Sometimes. Don’t Quit: Melissa Edgington considers the discouragement of sanctification and the double truth that God will change us, but we will also fail along the way. She encourages us, “You see, there is no moment of arrival. At least, not on this side of Heaven. But on any given day, in any given moment, we can become a little more like Christ. We can become a little more devoted. We can have moments of sincere adoration and awe for who God is. We can grow. And, before we know it, if we establish these patterns of putting another sin to death, of taking one more step toward God instead of away from Him, we’ll wake up one morning and realize that we are a whole lot more like Jesus than we were twenty years ago. Growth is slow. But He is patient.”
There is Power in Counting it All Joy: Paul Tautges begins, “Joy is a state of mind, not merely a feeling. Joy is peaceful confidence in knowing God’s good and perfect will is being carried out as the result of your trials. I know from experience that this can be hard to accept.”
How Turtles Find Their Way Home: How do turtles find their way back to the place of their birth decades later? What an amazing Creator we have.
This Week’s Recommendations
How Parents Can Help Kids Navigate Transgender Ideology: Maria Baer packs lots of wisdom into this post. She says, “This is a complicated calling for Christian parents. But whatever else we do in response to the normalization of transgender ideology, we can’t not talk about it with our kids. Make no mistake: they are hearing about it—in entertainment, online, at school, and from their friends.”
My 30 Second Sermon as We Prepared for a Crash Landing: Kyle Donn shares his brief, but harrowing story. He begins, “Last Sunday I thought I was going to die. ‘Brace! Brace! Brace!’ The flight attendants prepared us for impact. The pilot of American Airlines Flight 2775—which had just taken off from Charlotte and was heading to Seattle—announced moments earlier that our plane was experiencing engine failure and that we needed to prepare for a crash landing. The attendants ran frantically up and down the cabin, preparing us.”
Does Your Prayer Life Need to Change: Forrest McPhail’s article is loaded with helpful practical tips. He concludes, “Prayerlessness is not an option for one of God’s children. Find a way. Be creative. Worship God by maintaining fellowship with Him in prayer.”
A Hidden Beauty: Chris Thomas invites us to see beauty as God sees it. He begins by considering the beauty of his native Australia, “The stone is clothed in ochre red, a brilliant protest against the azure sky that casts a blanket of suppression over the land and is stitched seamlessly into an unbroken line where the two meet. Below the ancient stone, a throne of fissured rock falls away in fearful wonder to jade depths of tepid water rich with life.”
We Keep Stumbling Forward: How cute is this? And how true is this of our faith?
This Week's Recommendations
1. 4 Traits to Seek in a Spouse: David Qaoud concludes his sound advice with this, “Everyone marries the wrong person. Everyone is wrong because of sin. But a robust view of total depravity, and a firm understanding of providence, doesn’t mean you should have low standards for who you marry.”
2. I Am My Father’s Son: This is a powerful story of hope from Greg Lucas, who had a terrible relationship with his father. He concludes, “Like my dad, and failing fathers everywhere, I rest in the promises of the gospel. The promise of redemption, forgiveness, and grace. And through these promises I can proclaim with confidence and joy, I am my Father’s son.
3. Sometimes I Think I Hear Singing: Andrea Sanborn encourages us to have ears to hear God’s singing… I read this one twice it was so perfect. She says, “We look for the spectacular, for a jolt of awareness. For miracles. But God, who clothed himself in ordinary flesh, also comes on ordinary days, in just a subtle stirring in the soul; a hint of heaven. Can you sense it?”
4. River Runner: How cool is this tool? Let a raindrop fall anywhere you want in the United States and see where it ends up.
5. America’s Racial History and Christians: In this video, Justin Giboney with a thoughtful response to an important issues for all American Christians. He argues that, to speak faithfully and biblically, “We must not only confront the lies that offend us, but also the lies that serve us.”
This Week's Recommendations
1. The Solution to America’s Theological Salad Bar: Paul Peterson deconstructs the 2020 State of Theology Findings that leave any astute reader scratching their head. How is it the case that 72% of Americans agree that “There is one true God in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.” And yet, “52% of Americans claim, ‘Jesus was a great teacher, but he was not God.” The results are baffling. Peterson tries to make sense of the mess. He explains that, “It helps to know what most Americans believe, but even more so, we must grasp how Americans believe, if we might engage them with the truth. Those cultural Christians who attend church on Christmas and Easter can select orthodox-looking statements about God on a survey. Still, their approach to knowledge prepares them to depart from Christian teaching further down the salad bar line. A culture that ingests “Be yourself” will also absorb “Believe yourself.””
2. How Much Money is Enough? (And Other Wisdom from Proverbs): We just finished a series on the book of Proverbs. There are some excellent little gems Geiger has in here we didn’t even get to!
3. The Wait of All Waits: Brittany Lee Allen reflects on waiting and then asks these convicting questions, “All of our waiting points to the wait of all waits. Jesus is coming back. We will see him face to face and leaving all this world behind us, we will live in eternity with our Savior. Do we yearn for that day as much as we do for earthly things? Do I long for Jesus to return more than I do for another baby? Sometimes I wonder if I hope to see his face more than I hope for healing from chronic pain?”
4. Congregations of Bruised Reeds: My friend Benjamin Vrbicek shares that we all are the bruised, but serve a God who sees our bruising. He offers this pastoral wisdom, “Over the last decade of pastoral ministry, I have learned the time required to heal from abuse and other trauma is always longer than I would have guessed.”
5. Shadows in the Sky: I’m a total sucker for videos that display a sliver of the breathtaking glory and power of our Almighty God. Don’t multi-task when you watch this one.